I had a great time at the opening of Dime Bag 3, featuring my little rabbit painting and lots of great art by lots of artists. Stop by Giant Robot and see all the work by Wednesday. Then it's coming down. Trust me, it's worth seeing. Tiny work that packs a big wallop. You can buy the individual pieces of art, ranging in price from $10 to $500, online if you can't make it to the show. Check out
Giant Robot for details. There are lots of photos of the super-crowded opening courtesy of Giant Robot on
Flickr, but here are the highlights from a Greg-centric point of view.

Illustrator and co-curator
Jordin Isip. The look of a man who just hung up almost 300 works of art.

The red dot means someone bought my painting. I hope it gets a good home.

This was one of two walls full of art. I hear that additional work went up after the opening. Click images to see in more detail.

This is what happens when you invite several hundred artists to be in a show, and they each bring a friend or two...

So since my wife was sad that my painting might be sold, and she liked it, I created a companion piece for her. She likes it even better. Maybe because we have two bunnies of our own now.